
Sooner or later there’s always a project where lot’s of things have to be removed. Sometimes there’s not only the quantity but also the quality of work required to get good looking results. There are probably not a lot of people out there who love doing this, but it has to be done, so here are a few snippets of tips I learned over the last few months.

The first one is rather straight forward. It can give a good base for wire removal on moving shots where the wire is also moving. First of all stabilize your shot with a Tracker or a track from Mocha. After that you can time offset that stabilized clip a few frames until the wire has moved to another spot. Now just reapply the motion that you previously stabilized on the same reference frame. That way you will have essentially pretty much the same plate but the wire being offset. Now it’s just a matter of painting and keymixing to get a good base for a working wire removal.



The second one requires a bit more work. It’s pretty useful for wire removals aswell. You first of all need a proper set geometry of the shot you are working on aswell as a matchmoved camera. As soon as you got both into Nuke just go ahead and project the framerange through the moving camera onto the setgeometry. Pick a good frame where you can see most of the range you need to work, freeze the camera at that point and use it to render the sequence through a scanline renderer. What you now have is the whole sequence which is properly stabilized. If there is a bigger camera move and you want to get access to the whole stabilization you can add a crop below the renderer to ensure you encompass everything you need. At this point you can do a comparatively easy cleanup on your stabilized shot. To get back to your actual movement from the shot just your cleaned up stabilization through the frozen camera from before back onto the set geometry and scanline-render it through your shot camera. The description might be a bit cryptic, so here’s a quick screenshot which probably gives a better visual sense of what is going on :)
