
Simple PrimVar Helper Script (updated)


Primitive Variables are a really cool way to get variation in Renderman Shading Networks. As it requires adding Attributes to your Shape Nodes within Maya to control the variation it can be quite time consuming to set it up. So I was trying an attempt to build an interface that helps a bit with the set up.

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Automatic TEX Conversion


To render more efficiently and to get some particular features working one has to feed Renderman with .tex files. Most regular image files can be converted to .tex files with the txmake executable that comes with RPS. However converting multiple files such as UDIM’s from Mari can be time consuming. So let’s make things a bit quicker… :)

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Mari to Maya Workflow


Getting textures from Mari to Maya is pretty straight forward. Once you understand the Workflow it’s pretty fast. But what if you have a complex model, or even multiple models, each with multiple channels and lot’s of UV-Patches? It can be VERY time-consuming setting up each and every texture by hand.

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